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Patrick Suisse.JPG

Loyalty is the first asset of an administrator

Mastery of sector issues and the state of the art on the market by constantly putting clients' interests into perspective.

Versatility , understanding of organizational issues, interactions between stakeholders, ability to intervene very quickly on complex subjects.

Focus on results, understanding of financial issues, speed of execution .

Consideration of the international context , putting global growth interests into perspective, Partnership, JV, animation of subsidiaries,  

Experience of the post-merger integration process both from the executive side but also from a consulting angle ,


Practice of the main methods of " Lean Management" .

Experience in crisis management and analysis of risks and their impact on the company's reputation.  

Ability to analyze the company's positioning on its markets and propose new competitive policies to the board of directors.

Knowledge of Anglo-Saxon management style and codes.

Ancre 1

Bring an independent, new, iconoclastic look  to expand the range of possibilities.

Formalize the strategic analysis of the challenges of the company and of all the stakeholders, maximize the creation of value for the company.

Ensure the application of governance rules within the organization.

Represent the company and its values with strategic partners , shareholders, investors, suppliers in France and abroad .

Ensure the consistency of the strategy and the achievement of the medium and long term objectives of the company.  

A "very classic" profile in my experience, but "disruptive" according to the values developed in "Think marginal".


I'm always looking for exciting new opportunities. Let's connect!


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