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How to procede ?

At the mission as traditionally but why not considering a monthly package?


We operate on a time-spent basis like any consultant but can also build with you a monthly package for your teams,  a "business" hotline available at any times.


We offer you our "Business" expertise , our experience, the methodologies acquired within the largest firms as well as our knowledge of the different sectors and fields of activity.



We study together the issues, methodologies,  possible solutions and decide together  the most efficient way  to collaborate with your teams.


12 Virtuous Principles for a Successful Partnership

Terms of cooperation

This monthly plan includes:

A few hours to be agreed with any person mandated by the company

Two face-to-face interviews with Senior Managers to acquire "Business" knowledge of the company, its Business model and main processes

The contract is established for a minimum period of one year



Download the standard contract

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